Annapolis Heritage Society/David Armstrong Memorial Scholarship
The Annapolis Heritage Society has joined with the Armstrong family to offer the Annapolis Heritage Society/David Armstrong Memorial Scholarship which offers a scholarship of $1,000 to a student graduating from Annapolis West Education Centre who plans to pursue post-secondary education in the field of Social Studies.
The Annapolis Heritage Society is pleased to convey the following information regarding the provision of a scholarship for post-secondary study to a deserving graduating student at the Annapolis West Education Centre, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia.
The Annapolis Heritage Society will award a scholarship of $1,000 to a deserving student of the current graduating class of the Annapolis West Education Centre, which serves Annapolis Royal and Townships (Annapolis, Clements and Granville), who is planning to further his or her studies at the post secondary level preferably in the social studies field: museum studies, history, geography, anthropology, cartography, sociology, archeology, etc.
The scholarship selection committee at the high school may propose candidate choices based on sound academic performance or students may apply directly to AHS by forwarding their application to the address below. There will be one scholarship awarded.
Applicants will be required to submit to the Annapolis Heritage Society a one page proposal on one of the following topics:
- A plan for a class field trip to one of the AHS sites, i.e., the O’Dell Museum, the Sinclair Inn or North Hills, or
- A plan for an event to be held at one of the above sites, the goal of which is to attract visitors to the museum and heighten interest in our heritage, or
- A photographic presentation (CD or print format) of 5 or more buildings or landmarks of historic interest in or around the community accompanied by a brief explanation for each of your choices.
For help in developing the plan, candidates may contact the Society:
Jillian Barteaux, Director-Curator, at 532-7754 or
Applicants may want to visit the O’Dell House Museum for a tour.
Applicants are also asked to complete the “Tell Us About Yourself” form, which you can download in PDF format by clicking on the following icon:
The application should be submitted by the student candidate either through the school’s teacher selection committee (that will then submit it to the Annapolis Heritage Society) or dropped at or mailed directly to the AHS office in the O’Dell House Museum, P.O. Box 503, 136 Saint George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS, B0S 1A0. The applicant’s name and address should appear on the envelope but not on the proposal or biography sheets. The Society will make the final decision and notify the school of the successful proposal.
Note to teacher Award Committee and applicants: All AWEC graduates pursuing post secondary education are welcome to apply; however, those applicants demonstrating the preferred routes of study as noted above will be considered first.
Past Winners
Previous winners of the Annapolis Heritage Society/David Armstrong Memorial Scholarship include:
2006 – Tim Cress
2007 – Michael Sampson
2008 – none
2009 – Jennifer Hogan