Andrew White will, 5 May 1787
Here is a transcription of the will of Andrew White of Granville dated 5 May 1787, proved 24 August 1787:
In the Name of God Amen, This fifth Day of May In the Twenty Seventh year of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, Anno Domino One Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Seven. IAndrew White of Granville in the County of Annapolis, and Province of Nova Scotia, being weak in Body: but perfect in mind and Memory Thanks be to God. Therefore and Calling to mind the Mortality of my Body, knowing that it is Appointed for all Men One to Die; Do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament, in the Manner and form following, that is to say Principally and first of all I Recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth, to be Disposed of in a Christian Like and Decent manner at the Discression of my Executors, hereafter Mentioned Shall Direct. I give and Dispose of my Estate in the manner and form following- I give and bequeath unto my wife Sarah, a Living out of the Farm Situated Lying and being in the Township of Granville in the Province of Nova Scotia as Long as she stays at home and takes Care of the family and remains my widow; but in case She marries again, then the Aforesaid Living is to become Nul, Void and of none affect; And to daughter Mary, one Shilling Sterling, and to my daughter Sarah, one Shilling Sterling, and to my daughter Susannah one Shilling, and to my daughter Ester and to my daughter Elisabethand to my daughter Loes, and to my daughter Rebecah, and to my daughter Margret, unto each of them five youngest girls I Will and Bequeath three pounds each to be paid unto each when they Come of Age, And to my Son John, I will and Bequeath one hundred acres of land, the front Bounds is to be at the foot of the hill Laying this side of the mountain on the west side, and joining Mr. Delaps on the east side And running towards the Bay of Funday. And unto my (son) Phillip, and unto my son Andrew, I will and Bequeath the Old Settlement with the Stock and all the property thereunto Belonging, to be Equally Divided Between both of them, after the term of five years Which Term it is to be for the Support of the young Children, untill they come to be able to support themselves. And unto my Grandson John Boyd, I Will and Bequeath one acre of Land Lying on the North Side of the Road for his own use as Long as he Lives, and after his Death it is to return to the Old Settlement again. And to my Son John I will two Tons of Salt hay yearly after he settles his Land, providing he moes and gets it himself. And for Executor of this my Last Will & Testament I do hereby Nominate institute and appoint my good friendElexander Mackkinsey, and my Good friend James Delap jun’r, Both of Granville in the Province of Nova Scotia, Sole Executors of this my last Will and testament, and I do utterly Disallow and Disannul all and every other former wills and Testaments, Lagacies and Executor where so ever made by me Before this time named willed or bequeathed. I will that the Land that Remains over and above the two Hundred acres that John and Timothy has, the Remainder that is left Joining the Bay of Fundy is to be equally Divided between John, Phillip andAndrew. I Will that Neither of you Shall sell or Mortgage your part as Long as you never to any Stranger, or is to Any person out of the Family. I therefore Acknowledge and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament in Testimony thereof I have set my hand and seal hereunto, this Fifth day of May and in the year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Eighty seven-
Andrew White
Signed in presence of-
Daniel Pine
William Snow
Andrew White
Signed in presence of-
Daniel Pine
William Snow